We attach great importance to providing excellent service. Our service consists of optimizing the supply chain and providing technical and development service.
Supply Chain
Speed in our processes shortens the supply chain and reduces stock levels. All kinds of service levels can be discussed (local and central stock, delivery conditions, etc.), the customer’s interests are central to this. Our performance can be followed via a customer portal, whereby all aspects (responsiveness, lead time, stock levels, OTIF, complaint handling, etc.) are transparent.
Technical and development service
Perfect business-critical processes are essential for the productivity of a company. A failure in a process can have major consequences. Royal Vaassen’s qualified experts are committed on a daily basis to ensure that our products run optimally over customers’ machines. Royal Vaassen has extensive experience in starting up new installations as well as helping with operational problems at existing installations. Where and when necessary. We can also design product modifications or new products according to customer wishes. The customer maintains one technical point of contact.